How to change HTML and CSS text color. Set the text color. The color attribute of the font tag Numeric color values

In this tutorial, we will look at the last attribute of the tag. A that specifies the color of the text. By default, text is black on a white background. In order to change text color in html, you need to apply the color attribute of the tag :

To set a color, it is enough to specify its name, for example: red, green, blue. Consider a small example:

<span>Lesson 6</span>

Green text

Red text

purple text

Let's see the result in the browser:

The text in the first paragraph is green, the second is red, and the third is purple. In total, there are 16 names of primary colors and 130 additional ones. Full list You can see the colors in the html color table.

This way of designating color is very simple, but very limited. Therefore, in order to change the color in the html code, they often use a hexadecimal number preceded by a pound sign (#), for example:

With this designation, you can get more than 16 million colors and their shades! You can get the color code using the one available on the site, or using the color palette in the same Photoshop. Consider an example and write the following code:

<span>Lesson 6</span>

Green text

Red text

purple text

Let's save the file and look at the result:

As you can see, we have given the text the same colors as in the first example, only here we have used the hexadecimal system, or in other words, we have given the color in HEX format.

Now you have learned how to change the text color in html and at the end of the lesson I propose to repeat all the attributes of the tag , and set the text several parameters at once, namely: font, size and color. Write down an example:

<span>Set some text options</span>

Set text font, size and color

Set text font, size and color

The CSS color module details the values ​​that allow authors to specify the colors and opacity of html elements, as well as the values ​​of the color property.

color property

1. Priority colors: color property

The property sets the font color using various systems color reproduction. The property describes the color of the element's text content. It is also used to provide a potential indirect value (currentColor) for any other properties that accept color values.

The property is inherited.

2. Color values

2.1. Main keywords

The list of main keywords includes the following values:

Name HEX RGB Color
black #000000 0,0,0
silver #C0C0C0 192,192,192
gray #808080 128,128,128
white #FFFFFF 255,255,255
maroon #800000 128,0,0
red #FF0000 255,0,0
purple #800080 128,0,128
fuchsia #FF00FF 255,0,255
green #008000 0,128,0
lime #00FF00 0,255,0
olive #808000 128,128,0
yellow #FFFF00 255,255,0
navy #000080 0,0,128
blue #0000FF 0,0,255
teal #008080 0,128,128
aqua #00FFFF 0,255,255

Color names are not case sensitive.


Color: teal;

2.2. Numeric Color Values

2.2.1. RGB Model Colors

The format of an RGB value in hexadecimal is a # sign immediately followed by three or six hexadecimal characters. The three-digit RGB notation #rgb is converted to the six-digit form #rrggbb by copying the digits, not by adding zeros. For example, #fb0 expands to #ffbb00 . This ensures that the white #ffffff can be specified in the #fff shorthand, and removes any dependencies on the display's color depth.

The format of an RGB value in functional notation is rgb( followed by a comma-separated list of three numeric values ​​(either three integer values ​​or three percentage values) followed by a character) . The integer value 255 corresponds to 100% and F or FF in hexadecimal notation:

rgb(255,255,255) = rgb(100%, 100%, 100%) = #FFF

Space characters are allowed around numeric values.

In the first part of the book, in some examples we have already demonstrated how to set the text color in CSS. There is nothing complicated here: you will need the color property and the value of the color you want to color the text with.

P ( color: #211C18; )

In our example, the value #211C18 means the hexadecimal color code. If you are already familiar with the hexadecimal number system, you can skip reading the next paragraph. We'll also talk about other ways to represent colors on the web later, using color models (RGB, HSL) and keywords. This information will be useful for beginners and is recommended reading.

Hexadecimal colors (hex)

Hexadecimal number system ( hexadecimal, hex) is based on the number 16. To write the hexadecimal value, 16 characters are used: Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 and the first letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F). A color in hexadecimal format is written as three two-digit numbers from 00 to FF (they must be preceded by a pound sign #), which corresponds to three components: Red, Green, Blue (RGB color model). In other words, the color entry can be represented as #RRGGBB , where the first pair of characters determines the red level, the second - the green level, the third - the blue level. The resulting color is a combination of these three colors.

Abbreviated notation for hex colors

Some hexadecimal color values ​​can be abbreviated. To do this, turn the #RRGGBB entry into #RGB . This can be done when there are three pairs of identical characters in the hex number.

The abbreviated form of the notation is quite common, and for your reference we will give several examples of abbreviations. By the way, color hex values ​​are not case sensitive - you can use both uppercase and lowercase letters, it all depends on your desire and taste.

Examples of abbreviated notation for hex colors:

HEX code Abbreviated notation
#FFDD66 #FD6
#8833FF #83F
#333333 #333
#cccccc #ccc

RGB color model

The second way to specify colors in CSS is to use decimal RGB values ​​(Red, Blue, Green). To do this, write the rgb keyword after the color property, and then, in brackets and separated by commas, three numbers in the range from 0 to 255, each of which means the intensity of red, green and blue colors (r, g, b). How more number the more intense the color. For example, to get a bright green color, you need to write:

P ( color: rgb(0, 255, 0); )

But the yellowish-mustard shade has the following meaning:

Color: rgb(94, 81, 3); /* below is the same color in hex: */ color: #5E5103;

The black color value is written as (0, 0, 0) , and the white color value is written as (255, 255, 255) . You can also specify these values ​​as a percentage. So, the number 255 corresponds to 100%, therefore, the white color can be set as follows:

Color: rgb(100%, 100%, 100%);

Where to look for color meanings

Perhaps you have a question: where do you get all these color values ​​from? There are many graphic editors and online services with which you can match colors and build color schemes. One of the most popular programs in which you can select the appropriate color and get its RGB value, hex and more - Adobe Photoshop. Alternatively, there are special sites where you can easily pick up not only a color, but an entire color scheme. A great example is the Adobe Color CC service.

RGB color model

Set color to RGB format A can be almost the same as in RGB. The difference between RGBA and RGB is the presence of an alpha channel, which is responsible for the transparency of the color. Specifies transparency using a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Intermediate values ​​like 0.5 allow you to set a translucent look (abbreviated notation is allowed, without zero, but with a dot - .5). For example, to make the text colored and slightly transparent, you need to write the keyword rgba and the color value after the color property:

P ( color: rgba(94, 81, 3, .9); )

The disadvantage of RGBA is that it does not support Internet browser Explorer version 8 and earlier. Specifically for IE8, the following solution can be applied:

P ( color: rgb(94, 81, 3); color: rgba(94, 81, 3, .9); )

The first property in the example is for the IE8 browser, which will display the text in the desired color but without transparency. And those browsers that understand RGBA will apply a second property to the element, with transparency.

HSL color models (HSLA)

You can also set color in CSS using the coordinates of the HSL color model (Hue, Saturation, Lightness - tone, saturation, lightness). It is written like this:

P ( color: hsl(165, 100%, 50%); )

The first number in brackets means hue and is given in degrees (the range of numbers is from 0 to 359). It will be easy to understand why degrees are used if you remember what the color wheel looks like:

The second and third numbers in brackets mean saturation (saturation) and lightness (lightness), respectively. Their values ​​are set as percentages from 0 to 100. The lower the saturation value, the more muted the color becomes. A saturation value of zero will result in a gray color, no matter what the value of hue is. Using the value lightness (lightness) you can specify the brightness of the color. Low values ​​result in dark tones of the color, high values ​​result in light tones. A value of 100% for lightness means white, 0% means black.

The HSLA color model works almost the same as HSL, but, similarly to RGBA, it has an alpha channel with which you can set the color transparency by specifying the desired value in the range from 0 to 1:

P ( color: hsla(165, 100%, 50%, .6); )

HSL and HSLA are supported by all browsers except Internet Explorer version 8 and earlier.

Standard HTML Colors

Another way to represent colors on the web is keywords, with which you can specify a color for the element. Example:

P (color: black; )

There are 16 standard colors that can be written in the value of the color property:

Keyword colors HEX code RGB
red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
maroon #800000 128, 0, 0
yellow #FFFF00 255, 255, 0
olive #808000 128, 128, 0
lime #00FF00 0, 255, 0
green #008000 0, 128, 0
aqua #00FFFF 0, 255, 255
teal #008080 0, 128, 128
blue #0000FF 0, 0, 255
navy #000080 0, 0, 128
fuchsia #FF00FF 255, 0, 255
purple #800080 128, 0, 128
white #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
silver #C0C0C0 192, 192, 192
gray #808080 128, 128, 128
black #000000 0, 0, 0

These colors are supported by all browsers. In addition to them, there are about 130 additional keywords for various shades of colors. A complete table of these colors can be seen in the W3C reference.

The use of such keywords is acceptable, but there is a risk that some word will not be accepted by the browser. Therefore, it is recommended to write a hexadecimal color code instead of keywords.


IN css color text is specified using the color property, and its value can be written in several ways - in hexadecimal (hex) form, in RGB or HSL format, or by specifying a keyword. In order to avoid incorrect display of the color specified using the keyword, it is better to specify its hex value.

It is also possible to set transparency to an element using an alpha channel (RGBA and HSLA formats). It should be borne in mind that the IE8 browser and its early versions do not support RGBA, HSL and HSLA formats.

IN HTML color can be set in three ways:

Setting color in HTML by its name

Some colors can be specified by their name, using the name of the color on the English language. The most common keywords: black (black), white (white), red (red), green (green), blue (blue), etc.:

Text Color - Red

The most popular colors of the World Wide Web Consortium (eng. World wide web Consortium, W3C):

ColorNameColorName ColorName ColorName
Black Gray Silver White
Yellow lime Aqua Fuchsia
Red Green Blue Purple
maroon Olive Navy Teal

An example of using different color names:

Example: setting a color by its name

  • Try it yourself "

Header on red background

Header on orange background

Header on lime background

White text on a blue background

Header on red background

Header on orange background

Header on lime background

White text on a blue background

Specifying color with RGB

When displaying different colors on the monitor, the RGB palette is taken as the basis. Any color is obtained by mixing the three main ones: R - red, G - green (green), B - blue (blue). The brightness of each color is given by one byte and therefore can take values ​​from 0 to 255. For example, RGB (255,0,0) is displayed as red because red is set to its highest value (255) and the others are set to 0 You can also set the color as a percentage. Each of the parameters indicates the level of brightness of the corresponding color. For example: the values ​​rgb(127, 255, 127) and rgb(50%, 100%, 50%) will set the same medium saturation green color:

Example: Specifying a color with RGB

  • Try it yourself "

rgb(127, 255, 127)

rgb(50%, 100%, 50%)

rgb(127, 255, 127)

rgb(50%, 100%, 50%)

Set color by hexadecimal value

Values R G B can also be specified using hexadecimal (HEX) color values ​​in the form: #RRGGBB where RR (red), GG (green), and BB (blue) are hexadecimal values 00 to FF (same as decimal 0-255). The hexadecimal system, unlike the decimal system, is based, as its name implies, on the number 16. The hexadecimal system uses the following characters: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. Here the numbers from 10 to 15 are replaced by Latin letters. Numbers greater than 15 in the hexadecimal system are the union of two characters into one value. For example, the highest number 255 in decimal corresponds to the highest FF in hexadecimal. Unlike the decimal system, the hexadecimal number is preceded by a pound sign. # , for example, #FF0000 is displayed as red because red is set to its highest value (FF) and the other colors are set to their minimum value (00). Characters after the hash symbol # can be typed in both uppercase and lowercase. The hexadecimal system allows you to use the abbreviated form #rgb, where each character is equal to twice. Thus, the entry #f7O should be regarded as #ff7700.

Example: Color HEX

  • Try it yourself "

red: #FF0000

green: #00FF00

blue: #0000FF

red: #FF0000

green: #00FF00

blue: #0000FF

red+green=yellow: #FFFF00

red+blue=purple: #FF00FF

green+blue=cyan: #00FFFF

List of commonly used colors (name, HEX and RGB):

English title Russian name Sample HEX RGB
Amaranth amaranth #E52B50 229 43 80
Amber Amber #FFBF00 255 191 0
Aqua blue green #00FFFF 0 255 255
Azure Azure #007FFF 0 127 255
Black Black #000000 0 0 0
Blue Blue #0000FF 0 0 255
Bondi Blue Bondi beach water #0095B6 0 149 182
Brass Brass #B5A642 181 166 66
Brown Brown #964B00 150 75 0
Cerulean Azure #007BA7 0 123 167
dark spring green Dark spring green #177245 23 114 69
Emerald Emerald #50C878 80 200 120
Eggplant eggplant #990066 153 0 102
Fuchsia Fuchsia #FF00FF 255 0 255
Gold Gold #FFD700 250 215 0
Gray Grey #808080 128 128 128
Green Green #00FF00 0 255 0
Indigo Indigo #4B0082 75 0 130
Jade Jade #00A86B 0 168 107
lime Lime #CCFF00 204 255 0
Malachite Malachite #0BDA51 11 218 81
Navy Dark blue #000080 0 0 128
Ocher Ocher #CC7722 204 119 34
Olive Olive #808000 128 128 0
Orange Orange #FFA500 255 165 0
peach Peach #FFE5B4 255 229 180
Pumpkin Pumpkin #FF7518 255 117 24
Purple Violet #800080 128 0 128
Red Red #FF0000 255 0 0
Saffron Saffron #F4C430 244 196 48
sea ​​green green sea #2E8B57 46 139 87
Swamp green Bolotny #ACB78E 172 183 142
Teal blue green #008080 0 128 128
Ultramarine ultramarine #120A8F 18 10 143
violet Violet #8B00FF 139 0 255
Yellow Yellow #FFFF00 255 255 0

Color codes (background) by saturation and hue.

In this article, we will get to know HTML capabilities and CSS to change the color of the text on the pages of the site. Several options will be considered. For each individual case, a specific method is convenient.

To begin with, we note that all colors can be specified in three formats:

  • Color name (red, blue, green, etc.)
  • Hexadecimal format (#104A00, #0F0, etc.)
  • rgba format (rgba(0,0,0,0.5) etc.)

Our site contains a complete palette and names of html colors for the site, where you can choose the right color.

Method 1. Through the html tag

by the most in a simple way change text color in html is using tag . It allows you to change the color, size and style of the text. To do this, it has three attributes. Syntax:

Let's give an example

regular font blue font Larger red font

The page is converted to the following

Regular font. Blue font. And this is a larger red font

The new version of the HTML5 standard does not support it. But all modern browsers understand and probably will understand for a long time. The font tag is widely used on websites. Which, however, is easily explained by its accessibility and simplicity.

Method 2. Through the style attribute

There is a second similar way to change the font color. There is a style attribute for this, which can be applied to any html tags (

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